Health & Safety Training

AHERA Asbestos, Lead & HAZWOPER

Portland, Oregon, online, and across the Northwest.


Health & Safety Training Services

PBS works closely with school districts, private companies, government, and public agencies to design and provide customized, accredited asbestos, lead, and HAZWOPER training classes for their employees, including:

  • AHERA / OSHA / DEQ Asbestos Training
  • OHA / EPA / OSHA Lead Training
  • HAZWOPER and Health & Safety Training

Courses are held online, in Portland, Oregon, and locations throughout the Northwest. See registration portal for details. 

AHERA / OSHA Asbestos Training

Classes held online, in-person from Portland, Oregon, and in locations throughout Oregon and Washington.

AHERA Asbestos Inspector Course

(3 days, $525)


This training is required for individuals taking bulk samples of suspect asbestos-containing building materials or performing asbestos surveys prior to renovation or demolition activities in residential or commercial properties. The Inspector course covers identification, locating, and assessing asbestos-containing materials and presents intricate detail on how to perform a survey, take bulk samples, and comply with state and federal regulations. The training provides classroom instruction and hands-on training. Attendees will use bulk sample field forms, laboratory chain of custody forms, sampling tools, and learn how to write an asbestos survey report. EPA approved.

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AHERA Asbestos Management Planner Course

(2 days, $400)


The Management Planner Course is for Inspectors who are responsible for updating an AHERA Management Plan and/or recommending which response options will be used on an abatement project. This training covers asbestos hazard assessments, evaluating and interpreting survey results, warning signs and labeling requirements, O&M procedures, emergency response actions and recordkeeping. EPA approved.

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AHERA Asbestos Project Designer Course

(3 days, $950)


This three-day course covers the components of designing asbestos response actions. It will address abatement methods, specifications and bid documents, safety concerns, state-of-the-art technology, and cost factors. Written project designs and visual inspections are discussed in detail. EPA approved.

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Asbestos Class III Operations & Maintenance Worker Training

(2 days, $300)


For anyone who performs small-scale maintenance or repair activities that may impact asbestos-containing materials (ACM). This course provides hands-on training, so workers can safely perform routine maintenance duties on or around ACM. Examples of Class III asbestos work include repairing or replacing broken pipes or valves that have asbestos wrapping, replacing damaged floor or ceiling tiles, drilling into asbestos wallboard, work on light fixtures, replacing roofing tiles, repairing window glaze or putty and other general building maintenance. This course fulfills the requirements of AHERA, Chapter 40, Part 763 and Federal OSHA 29, CFR, 1926.1101.

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Asbestos Inspector and Management Planner Refresher

(4 hours, $200 each)


PBS provides refresher training for Asbestos Inspectors and Management Planners and has a webinar-based refresher for Asbestos Inspectors. This comprehensive training covers all required EPA topics and industry updates. A discounted registration fee is offered to those signing up for both the Inspector and Management Planner Refresher. The online Inspector Refresher has a live instructor to answer your questions in real time providing the benefits of superior training and the convenience of online delivery. Do you prefer in-person, face-to-face training? We offer both in-person and online training for the AHERA Asbestos Inspector Refresher. See course dates for availability.

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Oregon Asbestos Abatement Full-Scale Worker Refresher

(1-day, $300)


Annual 8-hour training needed to maintain DEQ certification for Asbestos Abatement Full-Scale Workers – includes DEQ card fee, lunch and parking.

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Oregon Asbestos Abatement Supervisor Refresher

(1-day, $325)


Annual 8-hour training needed to maintain DEQ certification for Asbestos Abatement Supervisors – includes DEQ card fee, lunch and parking.

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Online and On-site Asbestos, Lead, and Silica Awareness Training

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Convenient online or on-site awareness level training for groups or individuals needing asbestos, lead, or silica awareness training. Call 503.248.1939 to schedule your online or on-site training.

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Asbestos Project Designer Refresher



Asbestos Class III Operations & Maintenance Refresher



Lead Training

Classes held online, in-person from Portland, Oregon, and select locations throughout Oregon and Washington.

*NEW* Lead Inspector & Risk Assessment Hybrid (Online & In-Person)

(Price Range: $800 - $1,450)

Training takes place through a combination of virtual and in-person training sessions, starting with online sessions led by our world-class instructors. The course concludes with in-person, hands-on instruction, as well as course exams. In-person sessions will be held in our Portland, Oregon conference center. This first-of-its-kind training program has been approved by Oregon Health Authority and EPA Region 10. A certificate will be issued upon the successful completion of the program.

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Lead Inspector 24 hrs. (In-Person)


This Oregon Health Authority (OHA) approved training thoroughly covers the surface-by-surface inspection process for lead paint, soil and dust. Detailed information is presented by experienced instructors with years of lead inspection field work. The training covers lead background, health effects, regulations, liability and insurance issues, and puts into practice EPA and HUD protocols for visual inspections and detecting lead, XRF theory and use, sample analysis, and preparing a lead inspection report. Passing a state exam within 6 months of completing this training is required to receive OHA certification. This course meets the requirements of EPA TSCA Title X and 40 CFR 745, HUD 24 CFR 35 and OAR 333-069.

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Lead Risk Assessor (In-Person)

(16 hours, $650)

This OHA-approved course details the investigation of properties for lead hazards using EPA methods and HUD Guidelines. Risk assessment includes gathering data, interviewing owners/occupants, conducting visual assessments, identifying hazards, water sampling, interpreting sample results, clearance testing, selecting abatement or control strategies and liability issues. Completion of the Lead Inspector training is a pre-requisite for this training. Passing a state exam within 6 months of completing this training is required to receive OHA certification. This course meets the requirements of EPA TSCA Title X and 40 CFR 745, HUD 24 CFR 35 and OAR 333-069.

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Lead Inspector Refresher (In-Person)

(8 hours, $340)

The refresher provides a thorough review of Lead Inspector course topics and presents industry and regulatory updates. This OHA approved training is required every three years to maintain certification. A copy of current certification must be provided. This course meets the requirements of EPA TSCA Title X and 40 CFR 745, HUD 24 CFR 35 and OAR 333-069.

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Lead Awareness Training

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For personnel who perform work where lead-based paint may be disturbed. The training will cover aspects of handling lead-based paint relevant to the type of work performed by your personnel. Topics include characteristics of lead-based paint and materials, background uses and the health effects of lead exposure, the identification of lead-based paint and materials, personal protection, work practices and OSHA / EPA regulatory standards. This course fulfills the requirements of Federal OSHA 29, CFR 1926.62l

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Lead-Based Paint Operations & Maintenance Course

(8 hours)

Training for maintenance workers to reduce exposure to lead while maintaining and managing lead-based paint in place. Routine building maintenance and repainting activities can disturb lead- based paint and create hazards. The theme of the course, “Work smart, work wet, work clean to work lead safe!” reflects its goal to prevent exposure to lead dust hazards for school children, residents, workers, and workers’ families during and after routine maintenance, repainting, and repair projects.

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Lead Risk Assessor Refresher


HAZWOPER & Other Hazardous Materials Training

Classes held online, in-person from Portland, Oregon, and in select locations throughout Oregon / Washington.

24-Hour and 40-Hour HAZWOPER / 8-Hour HAZWOPER Refresher

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The 24-hour HAZWOPER course is for individuals who occasionally come in contact, work in the vicinity of, or be exposed to hazardous materials but will not be involved in daily handling or cleanup operations. This training meets the requirements outlined in OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120. Requires additional supervised field training and an annual refresher training.

40-Hour HAZWOPER training designed for workers involved in clean-up, emergency response operations, and the storage, disposal, or treatment of hazardous or uncontrolled substances. For all employees entering hazardous waste cleanup sites and who many have exposure to hazardous substances. This training meets the requirements outlined in OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120. Requires additional supervised field training and an annual refresher training. Courses are provided in Portland, Oregon, and locations throughout Oregon and Washington.

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OSHA Compliant Silica Awareness Training

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This training course is designed to meet the requirements of the new silica standard. The training covers background information on silica, potential health effects associated with silica exposure; engineering controls, proper work practices, respiratory protection and other applicable components of OSHA’s silica standard. This course complies with the requirements of 29 CFR 1926.1153 (i) (2), Employee Information and Training.

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PCB / Mercury Training

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This two-hour class teaches participants how to inspect buildings and facilities for PCBs and PCB spills associated with fluorescent light fixtures and for mercury-containing fluorescent lamp tubes. It also provides an overview of PCB and mercury health effects, environmental laws, and cleanup and disposal regulations. A four-hour version of the class provides hands-on training in PCB cleanup practices, safe handling techniques, personal protection equipment (PPE), disposal manifesting, and other crucial skills. Both training classes comply with EPA regulations in 40 CFR 761 and OSHA regulations in 29 CFR 1910.

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On-Site Training Courses

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PBS offers on-site training that can be customized to fit your organization’s unique training requirements and scheduled at your convenience.

Other Health & Safety Training

American Red Cross Certified First Aid / CPR / AED Training

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Contact us to schedule.

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