Environmental Services
Rapid solutions for complex environmental challenges.
In a field where strong relationships and knowledge of complex requirements matter, PBS has an excellent reputation with developers, businesses, government agencies, and lenders—equipping us to simplify the most challenging environmental projects. Our clients value our rapid response, experience with regulatory processes, and our professional technical team.
Environmental Services
At each of our regional offices, clients will find experienced environmental staff with a unique understanding of local hydrogeology, familiarity with capable local resources, and the ability to work hand-in-hand with lenders, developers, regulatory agencies, and expert resources throughout the company.
Phase I / II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs)
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- PBS has decades of experience performing environmental site assessments, and has collectively evaluated thousands of properties in the Northwest under tight timelines and strict procedural requirements. Our environmental work products have consistently passed the scrutiny of state agency and EPA project managers, major lending institutions and legal counsels.
Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Studies (RI/FS) / Corrective Action Plans (CAP)
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- Remedial Investigation (RI)
At a certain point in the process of assessing site contamination, a final investigation phase is conducted that has the purpose of filling all remaining data gaps in creating a full picture of the contamination. Both the lateral and vertical extents of the contamination must be determined. For example, there may be a need to define one or more of the edges of a groundwater contamination plume by finding areas of no detectable contamination. The state regulator may be involved at this point, and may have also requested a few additional pieces of site data be collected. Additional soil or groundwater chemistry information (e.g. dissolved oxygen and organic carbon content) may be valuable to collect at this point, so that different remediation techniques can be better evaluated. Because this is hoped to be the “final” investigation – or data collection – phase prior to remediation, it is often called the Remedial Investigation, or RI. The RI includes some level of Risk Assessment to identify contamination exposure risks. - Feasibility Study (FS)
Assuming an adequate amount of site data has been collected, and we feel confident in our Conceptual Site Model of the contamination, the Feasibility Study is an evaluation process that selects four to six or so potential cleanup solutions including No Action, and then submits each to a number of scoring, or balancing, criteria. These criteria are:- Effectiveness (considers the certainty that the remedy will work, the timeframe and reliability of success)
- Long-term reliability (will the remedy maintain protection over the long term)
- Implementability (what is the ease or difficulty of implementation; can the success be verified)
- Implementation risk (is there a human health or environmental risk associated with the remedy)
- Cost reasonableness (is the cost of the remedy proportionate to the benefits)
The conclusion of the FS is to assign scores to the remedy options, then make a recommendation based on the best score. At this point, the project stakeholders and regulator agree to a clean-up option.
- Corrective Action Plan (CAP)
This is a more streamlined approach often used by Underground Storage Tank Programs and contains all site assessment information and details for remediation of the contamination. Remedial Action is designed and implemented.
Spill Response and Cleanup
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- As regional experts in the field of environmental emergency management, PBS provides a variety of critical response services, including: emergency spill cleanup and mitigation for chemical, oil, fuel, and hazardous waste. Our team is equipped to coordinate oversee waste disposal through identification and classification through final transport.
Underground Storage Tank (UST) Decommissioning
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- Contamination resulting from underground storage tank leaks is a frequent environmental issue found during site investigations. PBS offers turnkey assessment and remediation services, as well as construction management services to support UST removal from a site. Services may include contractor selection, specifications, reviewing bids, project management, sampling, permitting, and closure services.
Underground Injection Control (UIC) Registration, Decommissioning, and Design
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- Our team has decades of experience performing UIC inventories, UIC condition investigations, site investigations, soil and groundwater testing; UIC design, permitting and installation; green street design, pervious paving design; infiltration testing, UIC/stormwater retrofit design, management of laboratory samples, and evaluation of data with respect to applicable regulations.
Contaminated Soil Management During Construction
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We are able to respond quickly to discoveries on construction sites, and are an effective team member as construction proceeds through contaminated soil or groundwater zones.
Our goal is to minimize your project down-time – quick response, rapid assessment of site conditions, turnkey subcontractors as necessary – and ensure regulatory compliance.
- Construction Testing Services:
- Managing Contaminated Soil & Groundwater: soil screening during excavation, soil profiling for disposal, landfill permitting,
- Work Zone Air Monitoring
- Tank Decommissioning
- Drywell Decommissioning
- Compaction Testing
- Demolition Hazardous Materials Abatement Plans
- Plans and Permits
- Erosion Control Plans
- Contaminated Media Management/Disposal Plans (CMMP/CMDP)
- Health and Safety Plans (HASP)
- 1200C NPDES Permits
- OSHA/Oregon DEQ/Washington DOE Liaison
- Training
- Asbestos & Lead Awareness
- Site-Specific Soil/Hazmat Training
- Health & Safety
Water Rights, Well Design, and Aquifer Evaluations
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- PBS can provide technical review of historic water rights, as well as locate and design groundwater wells and surface water systems. Our firm provides aquifer testing, as well as guidance and design solutions that bring water sources into compliance with regulatory standards.
Environmental Monitoring
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- PBS frequently performs ongoing environmental monitoring at landfills and other sites requiring long-term oversight. Managing these projects requires adherence to quarterly or semi-annual monitoring events, evaluation and management of data (performed primarily through our EQuIS database), and preparation of reports as required by regulators. A number of these projects are funded or overseen by agencies that may require quality assurance project plans. PBS produces these plans using Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Requirements for Quality Assurance Project Plans, tailoring them to fit the specific needs of each project. PBS has great working relationships with local and regional regulators, and works closely with them to complete necessary tasks identified during a project’s duration.
Hydrogeologic Studies
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- PBS’ applies our expertise in hydrogeology to many types of projects and services we offer our clients. We approach hydrogeologic investigations by developing a conceptual model of the system in which the major components include: aquifer types, distribution and boundaries; groundwater recharge and discharge functions; and aquifer properties, flow directions and rates. Our firm supports the characterization of the system by providing subsurface investigations, instrumentation, monitoring, and testing.
Remediation Design
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- PBS has conducted remediation efforts ranging from small hot spot soil remediation to in-situ chemical oxidation to large-scale soil removal for arsenic-contaminated soil. Our long-standing relationships with local contractors allows for projects to be scheduled and completed in a timely manner. PBS provides opportunities for staff to receive training on current remediation processes and products to ensure that innovative technologies are considered along with traditional remedial options.
Brownfields Site Cleanup
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- Brownfields are defined by the US EPA as real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. For nearly 20 years, EPA has focused on these properties in the belief that “cleaning up and reinvesting in these properties protects the environment, reduces blight, and takes development pressures off greenspaces and working lands.”
Once considered prohibitive due to financial considerations and environmental liability, the field of Brownfields redevelopment has matured to the point where contamination is often seen as simply another component of site preparation and reuse. Regulatory flexibility, various federal, state, and local tax incentives, grants and loans, and cutting-edge assessment and cleanup technologies have facilitated the successful – and profitable – redevelopment of Brownfields.
PBS has the experience to assist clients with all aspects of successful Brownfields redevelopment, beginning with the due diligence Phase I ESA site investigations that identify environmental issues and help quantify potential cleanup costs. These tasks are performed prior to acquisition of a Brownfield site, or for the owner of a suspected Brownfield site prior to sale. PBS Brownfields specialists can provide the technical assistance clients need for a successful Brownfields project including one of the major obstacles to Brownfields redevelopment, acquiring funding assistance for the project. PBS has helped Brownfield purchasers and owners secure financing through government programs and more unique avenues such as insurance archaeology.
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- The understanding of PFAS health effects, environmental impact, and subsequent regulation as a hazardous substance is still developing, which creates a lot of uncertainty for water purveyors and users. Join the PBS PFAS Program—we can help you to better understand evolving issues and solutions!