Civil Engineering


We engineer success stories.

PBS’ engineering team collaborates with our diverse in-house environmental and surveying resources to develop sustainable solutions that make our communities more livable.

Civil Engineering Services

PBS civil engineers provide cost-effective design and permitting solutions for the region’s infrastructure and development challenges. We have developed a reputation for balancing the realities of project budgets with both the necessary and creative solutions to maximize our client’s return-on-investment.

Land Development & Planning

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  • PBS’ civil engineers and land planners consult extensively with our traffic engineers, landscape architects, and environmental scientists to ensure a fully integrated design that will position your project for success.

Utilities Design

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  • Our engineers design site utilities including roads, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, water systems and wastewater and stormwater facilities for a multitude of private and public clients. Designs are in compliance with local specifications and regulations.

Site Grading & Erosion Control

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  • PBS engineers provide designs for municipal and private development projects that include site and grading plans. An integral part of these plans is the erosion control system, which is installed and maintained during the construction phase.

Stormwater Management

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  • PBS engineers provide analysis and designs for the collection and treatment of stormwater throughout engineered projects. PBS designs strictly follow state and local stormwater performance standards.

Hydrological Modeling & Analysis

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  • PBS engineers are experienced in the hydrologic studies and analyses that determine watershed geometry, drainage networks, flood peaks, runoff, and low-flows that are used in project designs for developments and to meet structural requirements.

Planning & Permitting

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  • Our site-development engineers work with in-house natural resource and planning specialists, providing clients with various planning and permitting documents required by state and local agencies during project planning, design, and construction.

Roadway Design

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  • The PBS team provides comprehensive design for roadway, pedestrian walkway, and bridge-related projects across the Pacific Northwest. Our experience includes right-of-way assistance, roadway extensions, roundabout design, and pedestrian safety improvements.

Sustainable Design

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  • We’re experts in the practice of sustainable designs for civil engineering projects, including stream and greenway plans for trails, roads, and bridges that comply with established standards for green-designed projects. By applying our design methods to planned projects, we illuminate problems before construction begins, thus minimizing damage to the environment.

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